i am british, married an australian... we met in the states & are both designers. we have two boys ~ oscar, 7 & flynn 5, lots of pets & live in an old house ~ this blog is the craziness that happens day to day! opinions, reviews, places to go, situations & everything else in between!

Monday, July 4, 2011

[ the adventures of sesame place 2011 ~ part 1 ]

sooooooo... here we are in july ~ i have been exposed to some of the worst tattoos i have every had the misfortune of seeing... being paraded around on very unfit bodies, clad only in over stretched lycra & not to mention the moles... oh the moles!!! yes you got it! we got season passes for sesame place!!

i'm no dermatologist but seriously i really hope that a lot of people are having their moley moley moley's checked out because i have spied some highly suspicious looking ones... & i'm not trying to... they're waving from the people's backs walking in front of me...

i really really try to not look at situations that really shouldn't be out on public display but i find myself saying don't look, don't look... rubber neck ~ nooooooo my eyes my eyes... why do i do that?

don't get me wrong ~ there are some amazing looking people there too, but unfortunately the ratio is far from even & for some reason they don't get burnt into my retinas as easily...

the boys LOVE LOVE LOVE it here & once i get over the initial sting (brazilian style) of the pass prices it is fun, very clean & easy.

there are climbing nets, which have other finer mesh ones underneath them to stop any falling items landing on innocent passers by... there's the usual things you'd expect to see like loose change, popsicle sticks... then there's the yukky stuff like used band aids... but, this last time, i had to giggle! there was some one's dentures!!! can you imagine being the person who has to clean that net out!!! they could write a book! or that could be an interesting attraction 'net findings'.

oscar pointed out that bert & ernie have zippers in the backs ~ hehehehe!

last friday was very interesting! i didn't check the weather, when we got to the entrance it was pouring with rain!! we were soaked right though & out the other side... we went to see a couple of shows & then on the tubes. (nothing else was open) the boys thought it was hilarious that when i went over the bubbles my shorts filled up with air, it was pretty funny, even the life guard was laughing... i could'nt get it out though... so i just rested my elbows on them...  then we bump into our pharmacist... i say 'nice weather for it' he obvisiously didn't understand me & replied 'no i'm the pharmacist'...glancing at my inflatable shorts...