i am british, married an australian... we met in the states & are both designers. we have two boys ~ oscar, 7 & flynn 5, lots of pets & live in an old house ~ this blog is the craziness that happens day to day! opinions, reviews, places to go, situations & everything else in between!

Friday, November 20, 2009

[ SMARTIES!! ~ who did this to you?!! ]

soooooooooo... i was in wegmans (come on!), my box of tea had just run out & being a brit i really fancied good old pg tips (it's the taste!!!) this blog is going to be wasted on non uk-ees.

anyway i was pushing the boys around the 'international' section, scouring the shelves for those triangular bags when to my delight i noticed that there was a brand new section of yummy english chocolate bars... mmmmmm aero!! chunky kit kats & brilliant! my beloved SMARTIES!!! BUT HOLD ON A MINUTE!! what the hell happened!! i picked up the package & let out a gasp!! seriously!! oscar asked me what was wrong & i tried to explain to him but he just didn't get it as his response was 'oh well'! the 'tube' is hexagonal! & where is that fantastic pop lid with the letter inside!! i could not believe my eyes!! i LOVED those lids... i used to collect them, stick them into blu tack & push them down on my arm to try to leave an imprint. i'd often say before i opened them 'if the letter is 'a' or whatever i'd pass my test, or get my favorite tea or that boy will fancy me!! when i finished eating the smarties i'd fire the lid off top by stamping on the tube.

it was bad enough when they changed the background colour of the tube & i think they changed the font on the inside of the lids slightly. (nerd alert!!)

as soon as i got home i got on the internet hoping that this was some crazy foreign packaging & my beautiful smarties would at least be safe in their own country... but no, very very sadly it's true. i don't understand why... the worst part is i think this happened in 2005 & i've only just found out!! what else has happened? don't tell me... no more jaffa cakes or marmite!

i feel like they've killed one of my childhood memories & left this 6 sided impostor hoping that we'll love it all the same! or did they think we wouldn't notice??

i feel like someone shot johnny ball... or burnt down tony hart's gallery (by the way i sent in loads of pictures & none of them got shown) or massacred the wombles!!

NO NO NO NO NO!!! i feel confused & sad! i wonder if they taste the same!

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