i am british, married an australian... we met in the states & are both designers. we have two boys ~ oscar, 7 & flynn 5, lots of pets & live in an old house ~ this blog is the craziness that happens day to day! opinions, reviews, places to go, situations & everything else in between!

Monday, August 23, 2010

[ clean up, clean up... ]

sooooooo... i try to walk into the boys playroom to let them know we have to go to the shops & can't actually find anywhere to put my feet... so i ask.. ok tell them to clean up

me: boys you have to clean up this space... there's no where left to walk. i want everything off the floor please.

i go off to try & find my car keys!! those keys are sneaky & are never where i expect them to be!!

oscar comes running to find me

oscar: mom mom you have to come quickly!! we have a surprise for you...

i follow oscar to the playroom feeling slightly nervous... a 'surprise' could mean anything & usually involves cleaning products!

we arrive & oscar, very proudly pronounces: TA-DA!!!  mom look at the floor.

me: wow!! guys that's great...

the floor is indeed spotless ~ then i look up at the couch...

that isn't quite what i had in mind... but i did say i wanted everything off the floor...

no sympathy at all though when oscar complains there is no where to sit!!!

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